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    Home Events - RockTheNight.eu Godsmack – 26 October 2022 – Arenele Romane, Bucharest (RO)

    Godsmack – 26 October 2022 – Arenele Romane, Bucharest (RO)

    The famous American band GODSMACK returns to Bucharest after 3 years from the two sold out shows in 2019. The concert will also take place at the Romanian Arenas (tent) on October 26, 2022. Only 1750 tickets are on sale and the first 200 are priced earlybird. These can be found on iabilet.ro starting with Friday, December 17, at 10:30.

    Tickets: www.iabilet.ro/bilete-godsmack-66103/

    The event will comply with the rules in force at the time of its conduct.
    Godsmack was formed in 1995 and released 7 studio albums with rapid international success. Three of the albums were consecutive number 1 on the Billboard 200, namely: “Faceless”, “IV” and “The Oracle”. They also had 23 tracks in the top 10 radio hits in the United States, of which 17 were in the top 5, a record for a rock artist.

    The band’s seventh album was released on April 27, 2019 and is titled: “When Legends Rise”. Since its inception, Godsmack has been to Ozzfest several times, played at major international festivals and filled arenas around the world. The band has sold over 20 million albums in less than 10 years. In their honor after the success of the sixth album “1000hp”, the city of Boston has “Godsmack Day” on August 6, by decree of Mayor Marty Walsh.

    Tickets are on sale on iabilet.ro and in the iabilet network and have the following prices:

    Earlybird – the first 200 tickets

    Golden Circle – 199 lei
    General access – 169 lei


    Golden Circle 229 lei
    General access – 189 lei


    Golden Circle – 250 lei
    General access – 200 lei

    Tickets can be found in electronic format on www.iabilet.ro and in Flanco stores, Metro Unirii 1, Music, IQ BOX and on Selfpay terminals. Online, you can pay by card, Paypal, Sodexo cultural ticket cards, on Vodafone or Orange invoice or refund by Fan Courier anywhere in the country

    The Golden Circle area is in front of the stage. Only 500 tickets are on sale in the Golden Circle Zone out of a total of 1750 tickets.

    Children are 7 years old do not pay the ticket but must be accompanied by a valid ticket holder adult.

    We recommend fans who come with children under 10 to protect their ears with special headphones. At the concert the volume will be loud and it can affect the children’s hearing.

    The organizers will organize enough points of sale for drinks to avoid the queues, the Romanian Arenas being a suitable location for gender events. However, we recommend that you come to the concert early and not before the concert. It is normal for the bars to crowd during peak hours, just before the band enters the stage when the maximum capacity of the location is reached. The organizers will offer a detailed program a few weeks before the concert.

    Access with umbrellas is forbidden.

    To the price of all the tickets is added the ticket issuance commission of 10 lei.

    You can also add the FLEX option to the order. FLEX is an additional insurance for fans who want to buy tickets in advance but who also want the security that if they can no longer participate, for various reasons, in events, they quickly get their money back paid for the ticket / s. Many have told us that they would buy tickets in advance for events, but I don’t know what they will do in 4-6-8 months, if they will be on holiday during that time, if they will be able to take a vacation to come to a event, or if they will not be able to attend concerts for medical reasons. If you purchase the FLEX service (ie 3% extra you pay per ticket), you can cancel the ticket / s up to 72 hours before the day of the event. and you receive back all the amount paid for the ticket that you give up, in 5 working days, less the value of the FLEX service and the additional commissions paid, such as the price of brokerage / processing services or order administration / ticket issuance, etc.

    A METALHEAD event powered by ROCK FM


    Celebra trupa americana Godsmack revine la Bucuresti dupa 3 ani de la cele doua showuri sold out din 2019. Concertul va avea loc tot la Arenele Romane (cort) pe data de 26 octombrie 2022. Se pun in vanzare doar 1750 bilete iar primele 200 au pret earlybird. Acestea se gasesc pe iabilet.ro incepand de vineri, 17 decembrie, ora 10:30.

    Bilete: www.iabilet.ro/bilete-godsmack-66103/

    Evenimentul va respecta normele in vigoare la momentul desfasurarii acestuia.

    Godsmack s-a format in 1995 si a lansat 7 albume de studio bucurandu-se de un succes international rapid. Trei dintre albume au fost consecutiv numarul 1 in Billboard 200, si anume: “Faceless”, “IV” si “The Oracle”. Au avut si 23 de piese in top 10 radio hits in Statele Unite, dintre care 17 au fost in top 5, un record pentru un artist rock.

    Cel de-al saptelea album al trupei a fost lansat pe 27 aprilie 2019 si se intituleaza: “When Legends Rise”. Inca de la infiintare, Godsmack au fost in turneul Ozzfest de mai multe ori, au cantat la cele mai mari festivaluri internationale si au umplut arene in jurul lumii. Trupa a vandut peste 20 de milioane de albume in mai putin peste 10 ani. In cinstea lor dupa succesul celui de-al saselea album “1000hp”, orasul Boston are “Ziua Godsmack” pe 6 August, prin decretul primarului Marty Walsh.

    Biletele se pun in vanzare pe iabilet.ro si in reteaua iabilet si au urmatoarele preturi:

    Earlybird – primele 200 de bilete

    Golden Circle – 199 lei
    Acces General – 169 lei


    Golden Circle 229 lei
    Acces General – 189 lei

    La intrare

    Golden Circle – 250 lei
    Acces General – 200 lei

    Biletele se gasesc in format electronic pe www.iabilet.ro si in magazinele Flanco, Metrou Unirii 1, Muzica, IQ BOX si pe terminalele Selfpay. Online, puteti plati cu cardul, Paypal,carduri de tichete culturale Sodexo, pe factura la Vodafone sau Orange sau ramburs prin Fan Courier oriunde in tara

    Zona Golden Circle se afla in fata scenei. Se pun in vanzare doar 500 de bilete in Zona Golden Circle dintr-un total de 1750 de bilete.

    Copiii sunt 7 ani nu platesc bilet dar trebuie sa fie insotiti de un adult posesor de bilet valabil.

    Recomandam fanilor care vin cu copii sub 10 ani sa le protejeze acestora urechile cu casti speciale. La concert volumul va fi puternic si acesta poate afecta auzul copiilor.

    Organizatorii vor organiza suficiente puncte de vanzare a bauturilor pentru a evita cozile, Arenele Romane fiind o locatie propice pentru evenimentele de gen. Recomandam totusi sa veniti la concert din timp si nu fix inainte de concert. Este normal ca la orele de varf, fix inainte de intrarea pe scena a trupei cand se atinge capacitatea maxima a locatiei, barurile sa se aglomereze. Organizatorii vor oferi un program detaliat cu cateva saptamani inainte de concert.

    Accesul cu umbrele este interzis.

    La pretul tuturor biletelor se adauga comisionul de emitere bilet de 10 lei.

    Puteti adauga la comanda si optiunea Flex. Flex e o asigurare suplimentară pentru fanii care vor să cumpere bilete din timp dar care vor și siguranța că în cazul în care nu mai pot participa, din varii motive, la evenimente, își primesc rapid înapoi banii plătiți pe bilet/e. Mulți ne-au spus că ar cumpără bilete din timp la evenimente, dar nu știu ce vor face peste 4-6-8 luni, dacă vor fi plecați în vacanță în perioada respectivă, dacă vor putea să-și ia concediu să vină la un eveniment, sau dacă nu vor putea să participe la concerte din motive medicale. Dacă achiziționezi serviciul Flex (adică 3% extra plătiți pe bilet), poți renunța la bilet/e cu maxim 72 de ore înainte de ziua în care are loc evenimentul. şi primești înapoi toată sumă plătită pentru biletul la care renunți, în 5 zile lucrătoare, mai puțin contravaloarea serviciului Flex și a comisioanelor suplimentare achitate, precum prețul serviciilor de intermediere / de procesare ori administrare a comenzii / de emitere bilet etc.

    Un eveniment Metalhead powered by Rock FM


    The event is finished.


    26 Oct 2022


    19:00 - 23:00

    More Info



    Arenele Romane, Bucharest (RO)
    The Roman Arenas, București, Romania



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