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    Home Events - RockTheNight.eu Metalhead Meeting – 17-20 July 2024 – Romexpo, Bucharest (RO)

    Metalhead Meeting – 17-20 July 2024 – Romexpo, Bucharest (RO)

    Judas Priest, Rotting Christ, Ihsahn, Tiamat, Jugle Rot, Anders Colsefni (Slipknot’s first soloist) and Kaosis are the first 7 bands from over 30 names that will be part of the Metalhead Meeting 2024 lineup that will take place between 17 and July 20 at Romexpo in the Central Pavilion. The first four-day subscriptions have an earlybird price and can be found on iaBilet.ro. Then we will move to the next Price Level up to 750 lei, before the festival. Children under 10 have free entry accompanied by an adult with a ticket.

    Tickets: https://www.iabilet.ro/bilete-metalhead-meeting-2024-88468/

    Judas Priest is definitely one of the legends of the international metal scene. With over 50 years of activity, with a Grammy won for ‘Best Metal Performance’ and with the last material, ‘Firepower’ which entered over 30 charts all over the world, Judas Priest continues to hold the banner high after 5 decades of activity . In 2022, they were elected to be part of the famous Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. The Brits are preparing to release a new album, in the spring of 2024, ‘Invincible Shield’, the band’s 19th material. The first singles from this album, “Invincible Shield”, “Trial by Fire” and “Panic Attack” outlined “Invincible Shield” as one of the band’s best albums, a successor on par with the previous “Firepower”.

    Rotting Christ, one of the most beloved bands in Romania, returns to the Metalhead Meeting stage. The group from Greece has released 13 studio materials in over 35 years of activity, true standard creations of European black metal, influencing entire generations of extreme metal artists. The show in Bucharest is part of their tour in Anviersar: “35 years of evil existence”. We also have some beautiful memories of Rotting Christ, the Greeks being the first foreign band METALHEAD collaborated with, in 2005,
    Ihsahn is the project of the artist with the same name. Best known as a founding member and composer of Emperor, Ihsahn decided to start his own musical project in 2005. So far he has released 6 studio materials, with the seventh to be offered to the public in 2024. Although in Emperor the music composed by Ihsahn prefers black metal, in his solo project we meet a lot of experimental and progressive metal, of course, in some places feeling the imprint of black metal that consecrated him.

    Tiamat comes from Sweden with over 30 years of activity on the metal scene, during which they released 10 studio records. Initially starting as a death/doom project with even black metal influences in the early period, Tiamat’s music gradually crystallized into a gothic metal, occasionally the roots of extreme metal making their presence felt. He represents an important name of the gothic scene, being among the pioneers of the genre.

    Anders Colsefni is best known as the first lead singer of Slipknot. Along with Anders, Slipknot released the material ‘Mate. Feed. Kill. Repeat.’ This disc will also be the one that Colsefni will perform in its entirety. After breaking up with Slipknot, Colsefni was also part of different musical projects such as On a Pale Horse, Vice Grip Throttle or Painface. Anders is coming with his band to Bucharest, where he will play the first album together with his band Slipknot: Mate Feed Kill Repeat, an album whose first track is the very name of the band: Slipknot!

    Jungle Rot comes from the United States, Wisconsin. The foundations of the band were laid in 1992 by Jim Harte and Joe Thomas, members of the thrash band, Prisoner, but this time the music would develop in the direction of death metal. In their more than 30 years of activity, they have released 11 studio albums, the most recent, ‘A Call to Arms’, being offered to fans in 2022.
    The foundations of Kaosis were laid in 2018 by XEN who wanted to create an unprecedented live experience combining the energy of electronic music with the aggressiveness of metal. The result was the album ‘Hitech-Lowlife’, a title synonymous with cyberpunk culture.

    Many other bands will be announced soon. Metalhead Meeting will offer fans over 30 bands during the 4 days of the festival, on two stages.

    Metalhead Meeting 2024 takes place between July 17 and 20 at Romexpo in the Central Pavilion (A) but also in the surroundings (details soon). We will have two scenes full of serious names, as we used to. After we had Slayer, Slipknot and Pantera as headliners in the previous editions where we had over 30,000 fans in the three days of the festival, we hold the metal banner high and in the 11th year of the Metalhead Meeting we promise you a lineup attractive, as usual with two stages and 35 bands including 8 headliners.
    In 2024 we have a single category of tickets and a VIP area upstairs (ring 1) with extra facilities for fans who have tickets there. We will also have one-day tickets for sale, but these will most likely be available a month before the festival, depending on the available space


    Judas Priest, Rotting Christ, Ihsahn, Tiamat, Jugle Rot, Anders Colsefni (primul solist Slipknot) si Kaosis sunt primele 7 trupe din cele peste 30 de nume care vor face parte din lineup-ul Metalhead Meeting 2024 care va avea loc intre 17 si 20 iulie la Romexpo in Pavilionul Central. Primele abonamente de patru zile au pret earlybird si se gasesc pe iaBilet.ro. Apoi vom trece la urmatorul Price Level pana la cel de 750 de lei, inainte de festival. Copiii sub 10 ani au intrare gratuita insotiti de un adult posesor de bilet.

    Bilete: https://www.iabilet.ro/bilete-metalhead-meeting-2024-88468/

    Judas Priest este cu siguranta una dintre legendele scenei metal internationale. Cu peste 50 de ani de activitate, cu un Grammy castigat pentru ‘Best Metal Performance’ si cu ultimul material, ‘Firepower’ ce a intrat in peste 30 de topuri din intreaga lume, Judas Priest tine in continuare stindardul sus dupa 5 decenii de activitate. In 2022 au fost alesi sa faca parte si din celebra Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Britanicii se pregatesc sa lanseze un nou album, in primavara lui 2024, ‘Invincible Shield’, al 19-lea material al trupei. Primele single-uri de pe acest album, “Invicible Shield”, “Trial by Fire” si “Panic Attack” au conturat “Invincible Shield” ca fiind unul dintre cele mai bune albume ale trupei, un urmas pe masura precedentului “Firepower”.

    Rotting Christ, una dintre cele mai indragite trupe din Romania, se reintoarce pe scena Metalhead Meeting. Formatia din Grecia a lansat in cei peste 35 de ani de activitate 13 materiale de studio, adevarate creatii etalon ale black metalului european, influentand intregi generatii de artisti ai metalului extrem. Showul de la Bucuresti face parte din turneul acestora anviersar: “35 years of evil existence”. De Rotting Christ ne leaga si niste amintiri frumoase, grecii fiind prima trupa straina cu care METALHEAD a colaborat, in 2005,

    Ihsahn este proiectul artistului cu acelasi nume. Cunoscut mai ales ca membru fondator si compozitor Emperor, Ihsahn a decis sa porneasca propriul proiect muzical in 2005. Pana in prezent a lansat 6 materiale de studio, urmand ca al saptelea sa fie oferit publicului in 2024. Cu toata ca in Emperor muzica compusa de Ihsahn este cu predilectie black metal, in cadrul proiectului sau solo intalnim foarte mult experimental si progressive metal, bineinteles, pe alocuri simtindu-se amprenta black metal care l-a consacrat.

    Tiamat vine din Suedia avand la randul lor peste 30 de ani de activitate pe scena metal, timp in care au lansat 10 materiale de studio. Pornind initial ca un proiect de death/doom cu influente chiar de black metal in perioada incipienta, treptat muzica Tiamat s-a cristalizat intr-un gothic metal, ocazional radacinile de metal extrem facandu-si totusi simtite prezenta. Reprezinta un nume important al scenei de gothic, numarandu-se printre pionierii genului.

    Anders Colsefni este cunoscut mai ales ca fiind primul solist Slipknot. Alaturi de Anders, Slipknot a lansat materialul ‘Mate. Feed. Kill. Repeat.’ Acest disc va fi si cel pe care Colsefni il va interpreta in intregime. Dupa despartirea de Slipknot, Colsefni a mai facut parte din diferite proiecte muzicale precum On a Pale Horse, Vice Grip Throttle sau Painface. Anders vine alaturi de trupa sa la Bucuresti unde va canta in premiera alaturi de trupa sa primul album Slipknot: Mate Feed Kill Repeat, album care are ca prima piesa chiar numele trupei: Slipknot!

    Jungle Rot vin din Statele Unite, Wisconsin. Bazele formatiei au fost puse in 1992 de catre Jim Harte si Joe Thomas, membrii ai formatiei de thrash, Prisoner, insa de aceasta data muzica avea sa se dezvolte pe directia de death metal. In cei peste 30 de ani de activitate au lansat 11 albume de studio, cel mai recent, ‘A Call to Arms’ fiind oferit fanilor in 2022.

    Bazele Kaosis au fost puse in 2018 de catre XEN care dorea sa creeze o experienta live nemaintalnita combinand energia data de muzica electronica cu agresivitatea metalului. A rezultat astfel albumul ‘Hitech-Lowlife’, titlu sinonim pentru cultura cyberpunk.

    Multe alte trupe vor fi anuntate in curand. Metalhead Meeting va oferi fanilor peste 30 de trupe in cele 4 zile de festival, pe doua scene.

    Metalhead Meeting 2024 are loc intre 17 si 20 iulie la Romexpo in Pavilionul Central (A) dar si in imprejurimi (detalii in curand). Vom avea doua scene pline de nume serioase, cum v-am obisnuit. Dupa ce i-am avut ca si headlineri in precedentele editii pe Slayer, Slipknot si Pantera unde am avut peste 30.000 de fani in cele trei zile de festival, tinem stindardul metalului sus iar in al 11-lea an de Metalhead Meeting va promitem un lineup atractiv, ca de obicei cu doua scene si 35 de trupe din care 8 headlineri.

    In 2024 avem o singura categorie de bilete si o zona VIP la etaj (inel 1) cu facilitati extra pentru fanii care au bilete acolo. Vom avea si bilete de o zi la vanzare dar acestea vor fi disponibile cel mai probabil cu o luna inainte de festival, in functie de spatiul disponibil. Pretul acestora va fi aproximativ egal cu cel al abonamentelor din earlybird asa ca va recomandam sa cumparati acum abonamente chiar daca nu veti dori sa veniti in toate zilele. Merita.

    Tot din 2024 concertele vor tine in anumite zile pana la miezul noptii, asta inseamna mai multi artisti si setlisturi mai lungi dar si o rockoteca dupa concerte, in caz ca vreti sa mai stati la o bere, doua, trei. In exteriorul Pavilionului vom avea si o zona mare de merch, o zona de mese cu un food court generos dar si alte activitati. De asemenea, lucram si la amenajarea unui camping la Romexpo pentru fanii care vin din tara. Vom reveni cu detalii pe parcurs.

    Primele abonamente de patru zile au pret earlybird si se gasesc pe iaBilet.ro. Apoi vom trece la urmatorul Price Level pana la cel de 750 de lei, inainte de festival. Copiii sub 10 ani au intrare gratuita insotiti de un adult posesor de bilet.

    Metalhead Meeting – Loud Like Hell, Live as Blood

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    17 - 20 Jul 2024


    19:00 - 23:55

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    Romexpo, Bulevardul Mărăști, Bucharest, Romania

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